Saturday, July 26, 2008

Save the turtles?

Slurping time!

The ping-pong look alike turtle's egg :)

Turtles, turtles, turtles, they cry to be save...crying, crying, crying just like me!The cry is just the reaction of the salty water that irritates their eyes.Me, i cry because seeing some people happy irritates me!Some sort of stupid brain reaction!Hahahaha.. Save the turtles?yep yep they are endangered species but i cant help to love their eggs. I'm sorry :,( Izzit just enough to tell i'm sorry? Somebody come and saves me too!
p/s - ayeem = turtle ? slow and vulnerable...endangered too! hahaha~!


Asraff Ruslan said...

save ayeem too.....

Amiene Rev said...


Itu telo nate ko, bola pingpong sungguh?

Susoh nok dibezoke denge mato kasa ambo.

Unknown said...

ayeem!!! nak telo penyu gak. aaaaaaaaaaa~

penyu menangis tuh bukan sebab sedey tau, tapi care dier nak buang excess salt dalam body derang~~


hey asraff, cmne ko nak save ayeem? she need a MAN.