Ayeem self
portrait minus the curly hair. :P~Just my masterpiece i did on my so called bored day; today :D Using some brushes in adobe
photoshop cs2 i managed to come out with the idea. It wasn't that good but enough to
satisfy me :) I dreamt to be a designer long-long time ago but i ended up doing engineering...weird weird world huh?I have 2 friends whose dream to be
rock stars and
politicians..they believe they sumday will create sumthing big to the world..ambitious!Insyaalah..there always a will if we want sumthing..shoot for the moon even if u fail, u still be among the stars :) Good Luck dears! Do leave your comment on dis .
merci! :)
p/s - you dun always get what u want. but u always get what u need :) Allah maha adil~
wow! i didn't expect ur potrait comeyl cmnie. aku igtkan more towards cam conteng conteng jek.
well keep potraying~~
nice.. but real life lagi comey kot.. :)
don't let go of ur dreams..
there's always chance..
shoot for the stars, if u fail, u'll still be at the moon.. coz stars are much farther than the moon :P
wah.lawa beb.lukis muka aku sekali leh?
lukis laaa~~
wow.. impressive lho.. nak satu gak!
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